Continuing on with the idea of brainstorming and studying design ideas and solutions in relation to 'The Tipping Point' the second part of our task was to discuss design solutions in relation to the various social issues we discussed in our previous brainstorm session. For this I met up with the same group of people and we decided it would be best to note our ideas and thoughts on a spider diagram this time.
To begin with the stickiness factor we took a problem which is huge and is still growing in society today, smoking and began to bounce ideas about designs which could help fight this horrid habit for the upcoming generations benefit. We came up with the idea of having some sort of fabric or ink that would stain when you had a smoke so basically the more you smoked the more obvious this stain would become. Whether or not this guilt approach of shaming your self esteem and pride would work or not would be the question. However in saying that we discussed ways in which once having smoked and as a result are stained badly there could be a reward system such as if you waited so many hours the stain would fade and this then could be a coaxing agent to make people smoke less. This in return would hopefully benefit non-smokers as in it would help decrease the chances of passive smoking.
Another aspect which contributed to our discussion on the stickiness factor was about drink and drug driving. In relation to the driving on drugs we thought about how your eyes can give you away and from this we came up with the idea of having eye scanners which you had to pass a test with before the vehicle allowed you access to drive. Each individual car would have its own personal eye scanner and only the eye identification of the owner of the car would allow access. The only scam with this would be that the owner of the car could be totally sober scan there eyes and then let someone else drive who was under the influence but in saying that it is still another element which would make it harder to do which is better than nothing. A similar preposition was made for drink driving where breathalyzers would have to be passed before being allowed to drive. However, in saying that there is implications with this idea also.
Moving on now to the next key chapter we covered which was entitled 'The law of the few.' Taking into consideration the previous conversation about this chapter we came to the conclusion that it was all very much to do with advertising and the internet. So carrying on with this train of thought we spoke about social networking and how or even if it is possible to make them safer? The idea about ID cards came up again and false accounts leading onto a topical discussion on whether it would be viable to prevent these so called fake accounts being created. Would it be possible to create some sort of barcode that you would have to use to sign into sites on the internet which would then only allow a limited time keeping internet use short and snappy and hopefully a safer environment.
The power of context was the final chapter we discussed in detail for this task. As with the last brainstorm session crime was a main focus for a starting point. The broken window theory and prison environments in particular the experiment sparked quite a few potential design ideas. This was the area which I found the most challenging but most interesting. One of the questions posed was 'how can we change the environment/system to change both officers and prisoners attitudes?' In response to this we spoke about whether if they swapped roles would this make a vast difference. The uniforms the police force wear and also other safety officers wear such as bouncers in nightclubs became one of the areas which I felt had a lot of potential to expand further for the third part of this task 2c. Aspects such as body behavior in relation to the broken window theory was only one of many issues discussed for this section.
Lastly we spoke about anti social behaviour and methods of preventing this such as scare tactics, making community service compulsory and role playing environments such as the courts
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